ScreenChooser V3.1 Release Notes Last Updated: July 17, 1996 This file contains important information about ScreenChooser. Some of the information is also contained in ScreenChooser's online help, but is duplicated here for your convenience. You may click the underlined text to jump to a particular section. Table of contents • ScreenChooser is Shareware • Quick Installation Guide + Under System 7.x or better + Under System 6.x • Reaching the ScreenChooser Online Help + Under System 7.x or better + Under System 6.x • The ScreenChooser Control Strip Module • Eliminating the System 7.5 Status Bar • Changes and Bug Fixes • Known Limitations and Incompatibilities ScreenChooser is Shareware ScreenChooser is not free. You are given the opportunity to try out ScreenChooser for a entire month, after which you are obliged to either pay a small registration fee or delete your copy of ScreenChooser. For complete information on how you can register your copy of ScreenChooser, we ask you to read the registration document found in the control panel’s online help. You can reach the registration information by clicking the “Register” button in the control panel, as described below. Quick Installation Guide This section is designed to get you up and running with ScreenChooser right away. Instructions are provided for both System 7 and System 6. Under System 7.x or Better 1. Drag the "ScreenChooser" file onto your System Folder icon. 2. Answer "Yes" when asked if ScreenChooser should go in the Control Panels folder. 3. Drag the "ScreenChooser Screens" folder onto your System Folder icon. 4. Drag the folder "ScreenChooser Extras" into your Extensions folder. To do this, double-click the System Folder on your hard disk and find a folder called Extensions. Drag the "ScreenChooser Extras" folder onto the Extensions folder icon. 5. Close the System Folder window. 6. From your Apple menu, choose Control Panels. 7. Find the "ScreenChooser" icon and double-click it. 8. ScreenChooser will bring up a message for you to read. Click OK when you are ready. 9. Click the Choose Image Folder button. 10. ScreenChooser will bring up a folder selection box. Go to your System Folder and highlight the "ScreenChooser Screens" folder. Click the Select "ScreenChooser Screens" button. 11. Close the control panel window. 12. Restart your Macintosh. Under System 6.x 1. Drag the "ScreenChooser" file into your System Folder. 2. Drag the "ScreenChooser Screens" folder into your System Folder. 3. Drag the "ScreenChooser Extras" folder into your System Folder. 4. From the Apple menu, choose Control Panel. 5. When the control panel window comes up, find the ScreenChooser icon in the list at left. Click on it. 6. Click the Choose Image Folder button. 7. ScreenChooser will bring up a file selection box. Go to your System Folder and open the "ScreenChooser Screens" folder. Highlight a file within it and click the Open button. 8. Close the control panel window. 9. Restart your Macintosh. Reaching the ScreenChooser Online Help ScreenChooser's online help provides information on ScreenChooser's use. It is recommended that you read it once your have installed ScreenChooser. As the online help is available only from within the control panel, instructions follow on how to reach the control panel, under either System 6.0.x or System 7.x. Under System 7.x or Better 1. From your Apple menu, choose Control Panels. 2. Find the "ScreenChooser" icon and double-click it. 3. Once in the control panel, reach the online help by clicking the "Help" button. For information on registering your copy of ScreenChooser, click the "Register" button. Under System 6.x 1. From your Apple menu, choose Control Panel. 2. When the Control Panel window comes up, find the ScreenChooser icon from the list at left. 3. Click on the ScreenChooser icon to bring up the ScreenChooser control panel. 4. Reach the online help by clicking the "Help" button. For information on registering your copy of ScreenChooser, click the "Register" button. The New ScreenChooser Control Strip Module This release of ScreenChooser includes a control strip module for PowerBooks (or desktop Macs running System 7.5). To install, copy the "ScreenChooser Control Strip" file from the ScreenChooser Goodies folder into the Control Strip Modules folder of your System Folder. Once installed, the module will add a small ScreenChooser icon to your control strip. Click the icon to bring up a pop-up menu with the option to change your current backdrop. NOTE: The ScreenChooser Control Strip Module will not load if ScreenChooser is not installed or if backdrops are not enabled. Eliminating the System 7.5 Status Bar System 7.5 displays a status bar at startup. If you are using ScreenChooser, the status bar will display right on top of your startup image. To correct this, drag the file "StartupScreen" from the For System 7.5 Users into your System Folder. This will suppress the status bar. Instead, your screen will remain gray until ScreenChooser loads. Changes and Bug Fixes This section describes the changes and enhancements made since prior versions of ScreenChooser. Version 3.1 • New user configurable memory reserve. Should allow ScreenChooser to handle larger images. • Added “Backdropper” helper application. Combines “Set Backdrop” and “Change Backdrop” into one. • Fixed bug that might have caused only the first image loader to be “seen” by ScreenChooser. • Patch to resolve conflict with Casady & Greene's ConflictCatcher. System may crash at startup on affected machines. • Fixed glitch in depth selection list. Clicking the scroll bar would reset the depth to B&W. • Fixed memory leak. Version 3.0.1 • Faulty registration key mechanism fixed. • Inoperable “Cancel” button in “Set Backdrop” helper application fixed. Version 3.0 • Complete rewrite of version 2.2. • No longer clobbers desktop patterns on Performas. • On backdrops smaller than the screen, the desktop pattern fills empty spaces, instead of gray. • Improved error checking and reporting. • New control panel design and layout. • Many new configuration options. • External image loaders for easy upgrades. • Hyper-text online help, for easier access. • “Set Backdrop” and “Change Backdrop” introduced. • Option to have backdrops changed while you work. • Improved error reporting and more helpful error messages. Known Limitations and Incompatibilities The following problems are known in this release of ScreenChooser: • Running any of the ScreenChooser Goodies while the ScreenChooser control panel is open will crash the system. Always close the control panel prior to using the ScreenChooser Goodies. Do not leave your computer idle with the ScreenChooser control panel open if you have ScreenChooser set to change the backdrop periodically. • ScreenChooser may crash the system if you attempt to change the number of colors in the "Monitors" control panel. This only happens if you had used one of the ScreenChooser Goodies applications since the last time you restarted your Macintosh. ScreenChooser ©1996 Marcio Luis Teixeira